What Shipping Methods Are Available?
We currently provide flat-rate shipping , however store owners can set-up their own shipping methods. Do You Ship Internationally?
Do You Ship Internationally?
No we currently do not ship internationally
How Long Will It Take To Get My Package?
It usually takes 4-5 Business days to ship a product however the timing can differ depending on the type of product.
What Payment Methods Are Accepted?
We currently accept payments done via Cash on Delivery but we will be adding debit card payments shortly.
Is Buying On-Line Safe?
ASHYAMSHOP ensures the quality of the products are upto standard and meet the requirement of our customers, ASHYAMSHOP believes in customer loyalty and aims to become the perfect solution for online shopping.
How do I place an Order?
Order & Retunrs How do I place an Order? Placing order at ASHYAMSHOP is easier than it ever was! Just search for your desired product, add it to cart. Proceed to checkout and set up your billing information to complete your order.
How Can I Cancel Or Change My Order?
Contact ASHYAMSHOP's support through E-Mail or call for assistance. Alternatively, you could login using your account, go to My Orders, find the one you want to be altered and alter it easily.
Do I need an account to place an order?
No you do not need an account to purchase an item.
How Do I Track My Order?
Check your E-Mail to find the tracking number sent to you after your order is fulfilled. You may further track your order by visiting our partner's portal.
How Can I Return a Product?
Following are the conditions are to be met for returning the product. If the product is damaged or faulty. If the delivered product is different than it was displayed on the site. Change of mind is not applicable Contact the support for assistance.